Fortifications guided tours

Fortifications guided tours

Fortifications guided tours
Fortifications guided tours
Fortifications guided tours
Fortifications guided tours

Like other municipalities, the coast of l'Ametlla de Mar was fortified during the Spanish Civil War. This was principally from 1937 onwards, which was when it was thought there could be a possible disembarkation from Mallorca by the Nationalists. Although this disembarkation never took place, the process of fortiflying the coast continued whenever possible. Fortifications can still be found on the coast in Sant Jordi d'Alfama, Cala Mosques, Cala Nova, El Puerto de l'Estany and Punta de l'Àliga to name some of them. As can be seen, there are fortifications along the length of the coast of the municipality. Two of these are the most important. They are those found in Sant Jordi d'Alfama and in the Puerto de l'Estany and stand out largely due to their visibility and conservation. In the Puerto de l'Estany there is an artillery bunker for a battery of three cannons which consists of communicating passages and rooms that protected both the material and soldiers. These fortifications were usually built by work battalions that were sometimes helped by residents of the municipality where they were being constructed. The residents usually transported material or water and were paid ten pesetas a day. As well as the civilians and the work battalions who were constructing the fortifications, we must also add the military personnel, which would result in a huge movement of people throughout the area. Fortifications visits take place during the summer season and last approximately 1 hour. The price is €4, free for children under 14 years old. To reserve you can contact the tourist office at +34977456477 or

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