Llop Marí Cave route

Llop Marí Cave route

Llop Marí Cave route
Llop Marí Cave route
Llop Marí Cave route
Llop Marí Cave route

A combination of kayaking and snorkelling (diving without air cylinders). This activity is suitable for people of all ages. We set off to kayak along the Mediterranean coastline and admire the cliffs. We can admire the crystal-clear water and, when we get to Estany Tort bay, with a monitor assisting us, we will put on flippers, a mask and snorkel to have a go at snorkelling. Then we will dive down to the sea bed to see the marine life, fish and vegetation. The sea bed hides a large quantity of subaquatic life that our monitor will teach you about. After snorkelling we will get into the kayaks and row to the Cova del Llop Marí to find out about its hidden history. Later, to recover your strength, we’ll have an aperitif to finish off the day.

TIMETABLE: Lasts around 2 and a half hours

CALENDARI: From 1st May to 15th September

PRICE: 45€ Adult / 40€ child from 15 to 17/ 35€ child from 7 to 14 accompanied by 2 adults / 20€ child from 0 to 7 accompanied by 2 adults


For groups of school children, each 10 pupils, 1 monitor free. The price includes: necessary equipment (kayak, oar, life jacket, mask, tube and flippers), Kayak monitor and snorkel, final aperitif and photographic report.